1. Take a screenshot of your puzzle

Image for the first step to using the slider solver, taking a screenshot of the slider puzzle you are solving in OSRS

2. Select the puzzle you are solving

Image for the second step to using the slider solver, selecting the puzzle that you are solving

3. Upload the jpg/png screenshot!

Image for the third step to using the slider solver, uploading the screenshot of OSRS slider puzzle to the solver

4. Tap in the order: ➜ ➜ ◉

Image for the fourth step to using the slider solver, tapping the tiles in the order of arrow arrow circle

5. "Moves left" shows the number of moves remaining to completion

Image for the fifth step to using the slider solver, showing that moves left shows you how close to completion you are

6. Completed!

Image for the xith step to using the slider solver, showing the completed puzzle